Posts Tagged ‘Fountain Theatre’


Donald Trump’s campaign promise to rid America of its millions upon millions of “illegal aliens” reaches extremes that would do a certain WWII dictator proud in Building The Wall, Robert Schenkkan’s ham-fisted “It darn well could happen here!” two-hander now getting the first of a series of rolling World Premieres at the usually laudable Fountain Theatre.
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A just-right darkly comedic tone and pitch-perfect performances turn minor Tennessee Williams into major summer entertainment as the Fountain Theater gives West Coast audiences their first taste of Pierre Laville and Emily Mann’s streamlined, Williams-estate-approved adaptation of the 1956 movie potboiler Baby Doll.
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The subsistence-wage busboy protagonists of My Mañana Comes are young men the average theatergoer would normally pay not much attention to, which is just one reason why Elizabeth Irwin’s 2014 dramedy proves such an engrossing, eye-opening treat in its Los Angeles Premiere at The Fountain Theatre.
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Highly-charged subject matter, dynamic performances, and enough sexual heat to match the highest temperatures in the Mojave Desert spark Stephen Sachs’ thought-provoking Dream Catcher, now electrifying audiences in its World Premiere engagement at the Fountain Theatre.
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Premier South African playwright Athol Fugard once again puts a personal face on apartheid in his deeply moving two-act drama The Painted Rocks Of Revolver Creek, now getting a gorgeously-acted West Coast Premiere at Fugard’s Los Angeles home, the award-winning Fountain Theatre.
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When was the last time you saw a contemporary teen dramedy that not only featured a pair of complex, non-stereotypical characters but added something to the genre and in its final moments left you breathless?

Lauren Gunderson’s I And You is that play, at once funny, captivating, and profoundly moving, a powerful piece of theater now getting its Los Angeles Premiere in a production highlighted by Jennifer Finch’s and Matthew Hancock’s star-making performances under Robin Larsen’s inspired direction.
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The Fountain Theatre gives Zayd Dohrn’s powerful personal drama Reborning a Los Angeles Premiere that easily rivals those productions that have scored the Fountain more Ovation Award nominations and wins than any other intimate L.A. theater.
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Arriving just in time for Halloween and providing ample reason for Thanksgiving through the month of November, Jenny O’Hara’s star turn in Broomstick turns the West Coast Premiere of John Biguenet’s acclaimed solo play into a veritable theatrical event. Factor in scenic designer Andrew Hammer’s extraordinary witch’s lair of a set and you’ve got a performance and production design sure to set the L.A. playgoing public abuzz.
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