Wednesday, March 7th, 2012
Wide shot of dive bar: A young man and woman are seated in a booth. An older couple sits at a nearby table. Two men, one older, one younger, are sitting at another table. An attractive young woman tends bar.
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Thursday, February 16th, 2012
In the time-honored tradition of fact-based underdog sports tales like Hoosiers, We Are Marshall, and the recent Moneyball, East West Players now presents the Mainland Premiere of Three Year Swim Club, Lee Tonouchi’s crowd-pleasing true story of a Hawaiian swim coach and the ragtag band of Maui plantation kids he is bound and determined to send to the 1940 Olympics.
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Friday, January 20th, 2012
The Tony-winning 2006 Broadway musical The Drowsy Chaperone proves the best possible showcase for more than twenty talented USC undergrads (and audiences lucky enough to catch it during its sold-out six-performance run through Sunday).
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Friday, January 13th, 2012
Try to recall the most disastrous blind date you’ve ever had, then multiply that by ten, and you’ll have some idea of just how bad Elliot and Susan’s blind date is in Adam Szymkowicz’s quirky, romantic, highly original Nerve, now getting its Los Angeles premiere under the inspired direction of Michael Matthews.
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Friday, January 6th, 2012
“This just in at our news desk. International superstar Charo narrowly escaped an attempt on her life tonight when backup dancer Bunny took the bullet intended for the Queen Of Cuchi-Cuchi just as she was belting out the last note of “I’ve Got The Cuchi In Me.” Sources inform us that the Spanish diva has hired none other than Chico’s Angels to investigate.”
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Thursday, December 15th, 2011
Cancer patients and family members dealing with the Big C let down their hair (and occasionally their guard) at a bar called After Hours in E.M. Hodge’s aptly named After Hours, now getting its World Premiere at Theatre 68. Like Michael Christofer’s The Shadow Box, Hodge’s dramedy finds considerable laughter amongst the inevitable tears, and under Paul McGee’s assured direction, marks a promising full-length debut for the playwright.
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Monday, December 5th, 2011
“Certain girls are born to greatness. Others don’t know what their place is. But whether you’re Michelle Obama, or selling tickets at the Cinerama, the story lives inside of you, a tale in every life.”
Little did Morgan Farkas (not her real last name) realize when she invited former high school classmate Isaac Laskan (his real last name) to become her post-college roommate that her not-so-extraordinary life would become the inspiration for an hour-long chamber musical that’s taken Los Angeles by storm (or at least as much as any show running in a 30-seat theater can be said to take a big city by storm).
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011RECOMMENDED
The walls have eyes…and ears and a mouth and arms and legs in Crumble (Lay Me Down Justin Timberlake), Sheila Callaghan’s surreal family drama, now playing at Sacred Fools Theatre.
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